Thursday, December 19, 2013

Are Traffic Exchanges Really Worth Your Time And Effort

One thing that folks do is use traffic exchanges as a way to drive traffic to their sites. You'll realize that there are different opinions with regards to traffic exchanges, and this causes people to question whether they ought to make use of them or not. The issue with this would be that most folks don't understand how to use traffic exchanges. If you happen to be one of the folks that are not using them properly you may discover that you are wasting all your time with them. As you continue to read though this article you will find out what traffic exchanges are all about as well as the best ways to make use of them if that is the path you decide to take.

The first thing you should know about traffic exchanges would be that unless you want to invest 12 hours a day surfing or unless you have a huge down line in the traffic exchanges you will not have very good results. But when you take the time to build a down line and you surf the exchanges for about an hour a day you may find that you are able to get some good results. But if you only surf the exchanges for an hour a day and you are not building a down line you'll probably be wasting your time.

When your down line surfs the traffic exchanges you will discover that they are earning you credits so you are able to start getting your site shown more often. Essentially, for every site your down line surfs you will earn about one tenth of a credit for having your website shown. If you do not possess a down line earning you credits you will be wasting your time. So now you need to see why a huge down line is so important, they will help you to advertise your website for you by earning you thousands of free credits.

The web page that you market in the traffic exchanges will likely be another reason that you could be wasting your time like so many others. The type of page you should be advertising in these exchanges are lead capture pages so you'll be able to get peoples email addresses. All you need to do is produce a page which provides folks something free that is additionally valuable and in exchange they provide you with their email address. The reason you will want to do this is simply because if you are just advertising a money site you will not be making any income. I am certain you'll be able to see the value of the lead capture page as you will be able to promote products to these people on a regular basis by just sending out an email.

If you're planning on developing a large down line and you additionally plan on surfing at least an hour a day yourself you may discover that traffic exchanges can be worth your time. Then again if you do not follow the suggestions that you find in this post you may very well figure out that traffic exchanges will just be an enormous waste of time. Depending on how you choose to make use of the traffic exchanges you could discover that they could be a waste of time or they could be useful.
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