Monday, December 23, 2013

The Field Of Programming And Software Development

Over the past decade there have been many changes in programming languages and in the technologies that use them. It is a constantly evolving field which provides as many rewards as it does challenges

Enjoyment of this line of work is a must because it requires the constant upgrading of skills. Although it can be argued that this is a requirement in any field, with programming you will be required to constantly keep up-to-date. Failure to do so will lead to obsolescence in a short amount of time.

Which programming languages should you learn? How do you go about learning them? The key is to be able to learn new languages quickly. One viewpoint is that companies impart too much weight on a programmer's knowledge of particular programming languages. Knowing the ins-and-outs of a language is important but in today's environment, a programmer needs to be well rounded. More valuable than knowing a particular language is to understand programming logic and how programming languages are structured. Afterwards, it becomes more a matter of learning a new syntax.

Software development requires proper communication. Communication is an essential part of the job. Understanding the needs of the client and/or end user and being able to implement their needs through programming is an essential skill. Gone are the days of sticking a bunch of programmers in a corner and have them crank out code.

How does a person get started learning about programming? For many, a course at a local community college can be essential in getting started. There are also online resources such as Microsoft (.NET languages) and Sun ( Java) that may prove useful. A search on the Internet for whichever language you are interested can give valuable information on how to get started.

Even after taking courses, there is no better way to learn than becoming involved in a genuine project. This can prove to be exasperating as you may find that you cannot get a project without experience and you cannot get experience without a project. One possible way around this is to volunteer to write a program for a local organization such as a church, charity or other non-profit organization. You could even talk to businesses in your area, that have programming departments and offer your services for free or a nominal fee to get some learning and experience.

Many technologies that exist today are complicated. There is simply no way to know every aspect of every technology that exists and new technologies are constantly being introduced. When undertaking a project, you are often under tight time constraints and deadlines. You need to be able to come up with solutions within an acceptable timeframe. The challenge here is being able to know where to find answers quickly. Programming language reference services found online can facilitate finding those answers.

One of the major impacts on the programming and the software development fields in the U.S. has been the use of outsourcing and offshore development. This subject alone could comprise an entire article if not a book but it is important to know that this trend is here and will continue for many years to come. Many programmers have seen rates drop as much as thirty percent because of outsourcing. The best solution to combat this trend is to embrace it and find ways to use it to your advantage. One way is to employ and perfect the communications skills that are required by a software developer.

Constant learning, outsourcing and proper communication are all challenges that a programmer faces. Those who accept the challenges and find the reward of overcoming them will experience the fulfillment offered by a career in programming and software development.
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